There's been quite a lot written (mostly if not completely by right-leaning people) that celebrities are vain, out of touch, pampered, etc. Let's look at the list: Ronald Reagan Arnold Schwarzenegger Sonny Bono Fred Thompson Clint Eastwood All were elected on the Republican ticket. I can't think of any Hollywood celebrities who have been elected as a Democrat. Then there was the circus sideshow in California when the role of Republican Governor was up for grabs. The casting call ...
Just a small part of the article Pat Buchanan speaks of American conservatism in the past tense. "The conservative movement has passed into history," says the one-time White House aide, three-time presidential candidate, commentator and magazine publisher. "It doesn't exist anymore as a unifying force," he says in an interview with The Washington Times. "There are still a lot of people who are conservative, but the movement is now broken up, crumbled, dismantled."
This morning on CNN, Jack Cafferty's question of the day was inspired by this report. Starting today, the federal government will pay hospitals and doctors 1 billion dollars over the next four years (Cafferty said 3 years) to reimburse them for providing emergency health care to illegals. This at a time when an estimated 47 million American citizens have no medical insurance. Someone who Emailed a response to the question "Should the government pay hospitals and doctors for provid...
I was reading about Deism when I found this article. I'm not going to say much about it because I don't follow politics very much (as some of you may have already guessed). So I'll just provide you with the link to the page where I found it and you can check it out and then those of you who follow politics can discuss it among yourselves. There are links on that page to other pages where the claims came from. Link