Promoting skepticism and reason without boundaries or sacred cows.
So says Pat Buchanan
Published on May 19, 2005 By Ionolast In Politics
Just a small part of the article

Pat Buchanan speaks of American conservatism in the past tense.
"The conservative movement has passed into history," says the one-time White House aide, three-time presidential candidate, commentator and magazine publisher.
"It doesn't exist anymore as a unifying force," he says in an interview with The Washington Times. "There are still a lot of people who are conservative, but the movement is now broken up, crumbled, dismantled."

on May 19, 2005
Translation: "I, Pat Buchanan, know what true conservatism is. Since most of these so-called 'conservatives' today think I'm an asshat, it's clear that conservativism is dead."

Counter-translation: "The only thing clear to most of us 'conservatives' is that Pat Buchanan is an asshat."
on May 20, 2005
Got to go with StuteFish on that one.  Sounds like sour grapes for Buchanan.  Besides, he is not a true conservative, just an isolationist.
on May 20, 2005
Interesting he should say that, since many of the ideas the press made fun of him for during his presidential bid, are things for which the public are crying out...

Can anyone say "immigration reform"??
on May 20, 2005
(Points at COLGene, covers mouth)Pppppplplplplssnnsnnnsns....naaaahahahahahaha...AHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!!
on May 20, 2005
Do you righties think you know more about politics than Buchanan?
on May 20, 2005

Do you righties think you know more about politics than Buchanan?

It is not a matter of knowledge.  It is a matter of opinion.

on May 20, 2005
It is not a matter of knowledge. It is a matter of opinion.

Ok, do you think your opinion is more informed than Buchanan's?
on May 20, 2005
Ok, do you think your opinion is more informed than Buchanan's?

Yes. His grapes are sour because he's too far to the right to appeal to the party as a whole. The type of conservatism he supports and appeals to may be dead, though, who knows?
on May 20, 2005

Ok, do you think your opinion is more informed than Buchanan's?


on May 20, 2005
Ok, do you think your opinion is more informed than Buchanan's

YES! Buchanan's a FOOL!
on May 20, 2005
Buchanan's a FOOL!

I always thought so too, but then I'm liberal.
on May 20, 2005
Buchanan's a FOOL!

I always thought so too, but then I'm liberal.

That's okay. Liberals can be "right-minded" on occasion!
on May 21, 2005
Isn't it intolerant of republicans to cut off some of their members?
on May 21, 2005

Isn't it intolerant of republicans to cut off some of their members?

Not when they are whackos.  Like LW said, once they leave the reservation, there is no reason to support them.  All it does is show the rest of the populace how out of touch that party is.

Buchanan left the reservation back in 92.  Since then he is borderline strange!  Running with a Green in 2000?  Get real!  Is that not a sell out?

on May 22, 2005
Maybe Buchanan realizes just how far afield he's gotten, and was attempting to appeal to the rest of us?