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Ionolast's Articles In Current Events » Page 2
August 16, 2005 by Ionolast
Watching the TV coverage of the Israeli pullout from Gaza, I'm amazed that some of those people are putting up such a fight just because they have to move. Screaming and kicking, they have phony outrage. Boo hoo. Poor babies. Playing to the cameras, they want their 15 minutes of fame. 2/3 of the settlers have already left willingly and peacefully. Those who are refusing to leave are just assholes.
June 30, 2005 by Ionolast
It seems he asked for an attorney, but the police didn't get him one and kept on questioning him. Jury may not hear Couey's claims Officers say he admitted killing Jessica Lunsford, but a possible misstep could keep it out of court .