Promoting skepticism and reason without boundaries or sacred cows.
It ain't a pussycat
Published on August 19, 2005 By Ionolast In Current Events
A 17 year-old girl was posing for her high school graduation pictures with a Siberian tiger when the animal turned and attacked her. The handler was restraining it. She was pronounded dead at the scene. Officials are investigating the cause.

The cause? Well, let's see. Could it be............stupidity?

It was a family-run animal sancutary. Not even an actual zoo.


It's really a shame that some people have to learn the hard way.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 19, 2005

I'm thinking this qualifies for an honorable mention from The Darwin Awards....

At the very least.
on Aug 19, 2005
For all we know the poor girl was probably assured by the trainer and others that this was done all the time

So? I don't care if the trainer told me the tiger was friendly as my kitten, I still wouldn't stand next to it. That chick has to assume some responsibility.
on Aug 19, 2005
You forgot mascots, Baker.
on Aug 19, 2005
Oh, yes. Tigers generally do cartwheels and yell into big bullhorns. This was obviously an evil tiger.
on Aug 20, 2005
Oh, yes. Tigers generally do cartwheels and yell into big bullhorns. This was obviously an evil tiger.

Actually I was thinking of sports teams which have real animals for mascots.
on Aug 20, 2005
This must've been a bad tiger that the hero tiger and his squirrel sidekick hadn't dealt with yet.

grrrrrrrreat! scuse me while i go defog my lenses. too funny
on Aug 20, 2005
Yeah, sounds like a Darwin Award candidate to me!! ;~D

It reminds me of a situation in Southern Idaho where a couple of male lions escaped from a farmhouse. Of course it made all the papers and the people who owned the farm were charged for the expense of searching for, tranquilizing and moving the animals to a zoo. They were also fined for having illegal pets and causing a disturbance.

The interesting part was, that family had been keeping lions and other "exotic" pets there for decades and there was never a problem until the animals got out. If you ask me, blanket laws banning exotic pets are rediculous. This girl got killed, and that is a terrible tragedy that the trainer and owner should be held liable for... but why hold everyone responsible for the extremely few incidents that occur?
on Aug 20, 2005

Tigers generally do cartwheels and yell into big bullhorns.

I like Tony the Tiger.

on Aug 20, 2005
Until that day, anyone stupid enough to interact with them without taking adequate safety precautions deserves whatever happens to them.

Thank you! That's EXACTLY what I've been saying.
on Aug 20, 2005
anyone stupid enough to interact with them without taking adequate safety precautions deserves whatever happens to them

The people in this case probably thought they were doing that.
on Aug 20, 2005

The people in this case probably thought they were doing that.

The world is full of so called experts that think they know, when in fact they dont know.

on Aug 20, 2005
Animals like this do not belong anywhere but in the jungles and other natural habitats from whence they came. They do not belong in zoos, circuses, SeaWorld or Las Vegas lounge acts. Rescue-schmescue, it should be totally illegal to own them and they should be destroyed upon discovery.

SO much for education in zoology as far as your concerned....
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