Please use Start > Run 'cookies' to remove cookies. That is, unless your browser stores cookies somewhere else. And in that case, please go directly to that location. The forums are a different site than joeuser.com or iconoclasts.joeuser.com. Many people dont realize that, as they look very similar. The forums uses a more advanced login method from the www.joeuser.com site.
I'm going to recap what you tried, please let me know if this is correct. (Please try and use this format, as it's very straightforward)
1. On forums.joeuser.com you deleted cookies using the link at the bottom of the forums labeled ' Delete cookies created by the forum' 2. You did not close the browser, but rather went directly to iconoclasts.joeuser.com and the site did not see you as logged in.3. You logged in on iconoclasts.joeuser.com4. You closed the browser.5. You opened a new browser and went back to iconoclasts.joeuser.com and were not logged in.Is that correct? Also please remember to include the name of the browser and it's version that you are using.
Sorry Had overlooked that.
Ok. Thanks for the extended step description. To completely log yourself off of the forums (or the new sites) you have to delete stardock* cookies as well. (See my initial reply listing my steps). That still doesnt account for why you're logged out of joeuser.com after logging into joeuser.com. I'll have some more time today to investigate that.