Promoting skepticism and reason without boundaries or sacred cows.
No, this is not about sex. lol

When someone says something that maybe they shouldn't have and the person they said it to is pissed or hurt, the one who said it uses the excuse that it just slipped out and therefore they didn't mean it, and the one they said it to accepts that reason.

I think that's wrong. I think it slipped out because that's what they most wanted to say. It's what was uppermost on their mind.

on Jul 06, 2006
I think it slipped out because that's what they most wanted to say. It's what was uppermost on their mind.

Amen. That's what I've always believed. When it finally slips out, people need to come to terms with the fact that it's probably true. The sooner we admit that what we say is what we mean, either we'll be more honest or we'll learn to control our damned tongues.
on Jul 06, 2006

Spot on!!  Thank you for that! 

what's sad is when the person to whom it was said goes "oh that's ok,  I know you didn't mean it that way"

brief article that spoke volumes!!

on Jul 06, 2006
When it finally slips out, people need to come to terms with the fact that it's probably true.

Or at least the one who said it believes it's true.
on Jul 06, 2006
what's sad is when the person to whom it was said goes "oh that's ok, I know you didn't mean it that way"

Maybe the other person wants to forgive the one who said it badly enough to let it go?

brief article that spoke volumes!!

That's what I usually go for. lol
on Jul 06, 2006
Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, I think very mean and unfair thoughts about my wife.

But I know that these thoughts are born of my weakness, not my strength. I know that even though these thoughts are emotionally compelling, and fill my head at that moment, they are not the good and true thoughts that are my real idea of my wife.

Sometimes, at my weakest or most excitable moments, these mean, petty thoughts slip out. And when they do, the worst possible outcome would be for my wife to think for even a minute that these thoughts express my true idea of her, our relationship, or the stressful situation we're in.

I don't think it's fair to treat people as if the momentary appearance of their weaker nature is the true picture of who they are. A person is considerate and helpful for twenty-three hours, fifty-nine minutes, and fifty-five seconds of the day. But one five-second outburst in a moment of stress or weakness means they must not have been sincere the rest of the day? I don't buy it.
on Jul 06, 2006
No, this is not about sex. lol

on Jul 06, 2006
one five-second outburst in a moment of stress or weakness means they must not have been sincere the rest of the day?

I guess it depends on if you're harboring resentments.
on Jul 07, 2006
I think of toothpaste when I think of words that slip out like that. Once out we cannot put back in the tube. It just doesn't work well no matter how hard we try.
on Jul 07, 2006

I think of toothpaste when I think of words that slip out like that.

I think of the Wings Episode where Crystal Bernard is trying to dump a guy and talks about putting "Bullets back into the barrel of the gun".

on Jul 07, 2006
by stutefish
Thu, July 06, 2006 8:11 PM

I agree with stute. The tongue can be an unruly beast but it does not always say what I really believe. Doesn't mean I'm not responsible for what comes out.
on Jul 08, 2006
While on the subject of Fruedian slips I wonder: But isn't sometimes a cigar just a cigar? And if I say something hurtful in the heat of the moment and apologize do I not deserve forgiveness?
on Jul 09, 2006
And if I say something hurtful in the heat of the moment and apologize do I not deserve forgiveness?

If you honestly didn't mean what you said, yes, but if you meant it and use the "it just slipped out" excuse, that's the problem this article is addressing.