Promoting skepticism and reason without boundaries or sacred cows.
I'm Not Surprised
Published on August 17, 2005 By Ionolast In Current Events
Surveillance videos show that he was only running for a train as anyone might do. He was not wearing inappropriate clothing.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 18, 2005
“The police’s version has not only been shown to be incorrect but the public were deliberately misled. It’s evident we have been told lies and half-truths about how Jean died,” Asad Rehman, a spokesman for the group, told Reuters

Asad Rehman is a member of the National Stop the War Coalition and the political assistant of the former Labour MP George Galloway. Mr Galloway, who after his expulsion from the Labour Party fought and won a parliamentary seat for Respect on an anti-Iraq war ticket, memorably told Saddam Hussein, "Sir, I salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability" adding in arabic for good measure, "Until victory! Until Jerusalem!" Asad Rehman was also a member of the steering committee of Globalise Resistance, an organisation largely controlled by the trotskyist Socialist Workers Party in the UK, until a disagreement with the SWP leadership led him to resign from GR.

This does not invalidate what Mr. Rehman has to say, but does need to be taken into account when working out where he is coming from.

I will continue to wait for the outcome of the official report. As it is an independent report I have some confidence that we may get to the bottom of the matter and that should render all the speculation, left and right, pro and anti-police redundant.
on Aug 18, 2005
'I would not apologize to you if my life depended on it!'
I imagine I'll muddle through somehow or other, drmiler!
on Aug 18, 2005

According to 'The Guardian', the latest evidence supports the following ...

When you come up with a credible source, I will listen to you.  Until then, I would stop calling the kettle black, Mr. Pot.

on Aug 18, 2005
'When you come up with a credible source, I will listen to you.'
Are you joking? It's pretty hard at the moment to find any source whatsoever that says anything to the contrary!
Still, once more with feeling ... let's just wait for the outcome of the investigation, shall we?
on Aug 18, 2005
let's just wait for the outcome of the investigation, shall we?

A still picture taken from surveillance video on the subway car shows him laying on the floor. He is not wearing a padded jacket. So obviously the police lied about that much at least.
on Aug 18, 2005

Are you joking? It's pretty hard at the moment to find any source whatsoever that says anything to the contrary

According to 'The Guardian', the latest evidence supports the following

No, by the very article itself, the Guardian is saying "The Evidence supports".  That means it is their theory, not facts, and I dont see where the others are hypothesizing, just reporting.

on Aug 18, 2005
'No, by the very article itself, the Guardian is saying "The Evidence supports".'

I can find precious little 'hypothesising' or 'theorising' in the Guardian's news articles. eg. They report the latest evidence from CCTV as showing de Menezes carrying no rucksack and dressed in a denim jacket, picking up a free Metro newspaper and calmly passing through the station barrier. It hardly requires a great leap of faith / opinion / hypothesis / theory to conclude that this casts serious doubt upon previous claims that Menezes was running from the police / vaulted the barrier / was wearing a suspiciously thick padded jacket / was carrying a rucksack.

The words 'The latest evidence supports' are mine, not those of 'The Guardian'. I chose them carefully, on the understanding that no single report should be considered at this stage as constituting a definitive account of the truth. At the risk of repeating myself, all I am saying is 'let's just wait for the outcome of the investigation' before we pass judgement. Is that so very radical? Apparently Sir Ian Blair, the Metropolitan police commissioner, doesn't think so.
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