Promoting skepticism and reason without boundaries or sacred cows.
Well, not exactly
Published on June 10, 2005 By Ionolast In Humor
A few bloggers have commented on how the arguments/discussions sometimes get childish, so here's everyone's chance to make fun of it.

Stomp your feet, pout and get petulant.

Don't mention any posts other than the ones here and let's try not to let it get serious, you poopy heads!

Comments (Page 6)
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on Jun 14, 2005
I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, you can't prove a thing!
on Jun 14, 2005
What about the fact that you had to post it and therefore it is all recorded? Stupid.
on Jun 14, 2005
I know you are but what am I?
on Jun 14, 2005
You guys should shut your faceholes.
on Jun 14, 2005
I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, you can't prove a thing!
on Jun 14, 2005
I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, you can't prove a thing!
on Jun 14, 2005
Uppa u a** wid a pieca glass, and twice as far wid a chocolate bar! So there! neener-neener!
on Jun 14, 2005
Uppa u a** wid a pieca glass, and twice as far wid a chocolate bar! So there! neener-neener!
on Jun 14, 2005

#85 by MasonM
Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Uppa u a** wid a pieca glass, and twice as far wid a chocolate bar! So there! neener-neener!

????? WTF? Make up your own replies. It's to damn hard to come up with new ones! So there!
on Jun 14, 2005
????? WTF? Make up your own replies. It's to damn hard to come up with new ones! So there!
on Jun 14, 2005
Hey, y' know those holes that y'all have? You know, the ones for eating pies with? Yeah, you should shut them.
on Jun 14, 2005
I won't if you will.
on Jun 14, 2005
Once upon a time a hndsome prince of a moderate man came to visit a blog filled with dingle berries.

Then a fair king said to the prince why do you talk with these nurgies?

I said that nurgies were people too, kinda, sorta, well not people as so much as shitheads.
on Jun 14, 2005
Oooooooooh, he said a dirty word!! I'm tellinnnnnnnng!!!
on Jun 14, 2005
His mommy should wash his mouth out with soap.
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