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Citizens get screwed again
Published on May 10, 2005 By Ionolast In Politics
This morning on CNN, Jack Cafferty's question of the day was inspired by this report.

Starting today, the federal government will pay hospitals and doctors 1 billion dollars over the next four years (Cafferty said 3 years) to reimburse them for providing emergency health care to illegals.

This at a time when an estimated 47 million American citizens have no medical insurance.

Someone who Emailed a response to the question "Should the government pay hospitals and doctors for providing emergency care to illegal immigrants?" said, "What will the Bush administration think of next to screw over the lower and middle classes?"

on May 10, 2005
this is exactly why I say I do NOT agree with many things bush comes up with.
on May 10, 2005
OK, that's it...I'm emigrating to Mexico, becoming a Mexican citizen, and sneaking back across the border...I'll have more rights than I do as a born citizen!
on May 10, 2005
I'm sick of this... If you're an illegal immigrant, you should get NO state benefits of any kind. This means no subsidized healthcare, no drivers license, no unemployment, nothing. If you snuck in on your own, screw you, I ain't paying for you to do one damn thing. It's bad enough I'm paying for countless services provided to regular citizens that in no way benefit or impact me, but they're at least paying something back into the same system. Illegals don't do that. They use services and contribute nothing back. Get a green card, become a legal citizen, then I'm fine with it.

Zoomba checks his character sheet and sees his "Political Affiliation" score move 5 points towards Conservative
on May 10, 2005
Zoomba checks his character sheet and sees his "Political Affiliation" score move 5 points towards Conservative

Now I'm really confused. hahaha. Isn't this administration Conservative?
on May 10, 2005
Everyone knows governments don't do things for free or out of a need to be nice to any group in particular. They see things like this as 'accounts receivables" more than as charity. Now that leads us to the question as to what the US government should want in return. I state now this is nothing more than an informed opinion based on current governmental needs. With the current state of America's finances, the dollar being steamrolled, the public debt so astronomical it will never ever be paid off, major US businesses outsourcing their work to third world nations, the policy of lowering taxes....there is simply no way they can afford to give free health care to their own citizens let alone illegal squatters who defy American laws and continue to sneak into the country (It's interesting how the US public will believe and understand the reports of hundreds of thousands of illegals entering the US, but they fail to recognize that if any terrorists want to attack the US the odds are most likely that they need only to hop a barbed wire fence let alone trying to enter the US by commercial airliners with false identities). There has to be a catch somewhere and I may have an insight into what their overall destination shall become.
One thing I always notice about media images coming out of Iraq. Whether it's sheer coincidence I don't know, but there seems to be a large number of immigrant GI's in the US military. It's public fact that one incentive to get a US green card and US citizenship is to enlist in the US military. This isn't pure hype in any sense of the word. This is documented fact. Also fact is that the US will never, under the status quo, be able to wage war on multiple fronts. Yes the top command reasures us that yes they can fight on multiple fronts and the US troops are the best trained best equipped etc...Just patriotic banter expected from a military leader. But in the final analysis the US is simply overextended in their commitments and cannot commit to another front at the current rate of enlistment. Some, such as myself, believe some staged calamity needs to be conducted to soften the American public's opinion to a mandatory draft. And I have shared my opinions on what that event shall eventually be. A nuclear North Korea? Doubtful. An attack from Iran. Not a chance. An attack on America? Possible since it's been proven to work. Any of these opinions could easily ring true. But what if the coming draft wasn't actually coming. What or who could fill the gaps left by departing (death or wounds) military personnel?
With the huge numbers of illegals entering the US, and the fact that each one would give their firstborn children to become US citizens, it's not hard to imagine many of those illegals being informed that joining the US military will speed their case along and basically be judged in a fairly biased way, which includes the open invitation for his immediate family to gain citizenship as well. Now I understand most will think this nothing more than hot air, but as usual I have seen the news reports from after the illegal US invasion of Iraq, and they state there are a large number of immigrant GI's who only enlisted to get their promised citizenship once they conclude their tours of duty. I am not making this up in any way shape or form. The cold hard reality is that there are immigrants gaining citizenship if they enlist in the military first. So in conclusion I have to say that it's entirely possible and even more likely these unknown illegals could or already are taking up a right-now small portion of the troops in Iraq. The issue is whether there are enough of them to fill the gaps and to keep their situations from becoming unmanageably public. I think it interesting how this issue suddenly disappeared from the mainstream news in the US.